For the kings and queens of coding, for the masters of design, for the engimatic intellectuals, or for the ones just seeking some fun...
Trust us, you've come to the right place.
Now we only have one question left to ask:
If you've got a penchant for programming and can be quick on your feet, don't forget to stop by at "Bugs Light Year"-the coding event that you do not want to miss. Logical thinking and clean coding are the only tools you need to go to infinity and beyond!
RulesMaximum of 2 member per team.
Consists of two rounds.The first one being a jumbled coding round and the finals a teammate swapping round.
Do you have an eye for aesthetics and a command over CSS? Then this web designing event is the perfect place for you! Put your thinking cap on and tap into your creative side because it's time to build castles out of clouds.
RulesMaximum of 2 member per team.
Objective type prelims will decide which teams get to show off thier web development skills in the finals.
The recession is upon us and the stakes are higher than the sky. Put your eloquence on display, let your persuasive abilities shine, and sway the crowd with just your words. Only time will tell if you'll be convincing enough to keep your job. May the stars align in your favor!
RulesIndividual event.
This will have two rounds namely 'block and tackle' for the prelims and 'shipwreck' for the finals.
Humor and creativity is encouraged.
Suit up and get ready for an adventure because this treasure hunt is going to take you out of this world! It's an intergalactic race against time with your coding capabilities being put to the test. So, can you connect the dots and complete the code before the sands of time run out?
Rules2 Members per team.
Two rounds where the teammates have to solve clues both within the computer and physically within an area in two different rounds.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there was a battle of wits amongst a melting pot of magnificent minds. Now, it is time again for you to show us the power of your intellect before you get pulled over to the dark side. May the force be with you!
Rules2-3 Members per team.
Consists of three rounds.Brainstorm your way through the intense battle to the finals.
Ramanan Easwar: +91 98040931301
Vivin Jeya Joshua: +91 7395875066
Mukesh Arunachalam: +91 7401339755
Sruthi Krithika: +91 9445508640
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